my own space: October 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I noticed and learnt Poetry is a an arrangement of word which has meaning and nice to hear/read. For me as a beginner Poetry is such a word which express a feeling freely without any doubt and as a newbie I still dont follow yet a 'regulation' on this writing.

Poetry below are a row of experiences/feelings/notes I have been through so far. Anyone feel free correct me on how to write a great one ;)


Beautiful souls
to some splendid places

Nasi Goreng

colorful ingredients
colofur tastes
delish and appetizing
more please ...


Strong rocks
travellers passing by 
birds flying above
blue green water


Japanese flowers
stunning in April
walk leisurely
enjoying atmosphere 


Rain falling down
trees smiling
earth cooling 
sunshine hiding

Happy Morning

Times are ticking
faces are glowing calmly
and happy life is starting
what a fine looking world 


When some Ummah are still staying on craddle
when beautiful eyes still glued
with silent move and steady
with warm heart and expectation
I visit my beloved one
a humble man who loved by his Creator
a trusted man who love his Ummah
assalamualaika salam ya Rasulullah  


Snowing snowing lively girls
careful your steps
be happy with cold time
go and collect pine 


Coffee smells good
curtain opens wide
I drink my favorite one
ready for the world

Yara River Park

The weather is perfect
the trams are back and forth crossing the way
my strong foot lead to gorgeous mark
beautiful and cozy place to relax
Oooo the air changes my lungs
so healthy and clean
feel so light then bright
load my dynamic times excitedly
sightseers come and by
sit and use the times consequently

Qiyamul Lail

Malampun datang
menit demi menit hilang menuju subuh
ketika hati dan niat bersatu dengan tulus
membentangkan sajadah
bersatu dengan malam
bermunajat pada sang maha segalanya
Allah ya Karim
doa, dzikir dan keluh kesah
bersatu dalam bait yang tiada henti
Aduhai Rabb, hambaMu datang
memohon ridho dan bimbingan tiada tepi
meminta ampunan yang begitu luas
setiap saat

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Taking a writing lesson online

The need to be a writer one day has been on my agenda but not knowing where to start and how to write them nicely. Many articles have been read n found the good one for me the other day. The writer told step by step how to write ( so far I just read 2 pages, still many left to learn and to absorb ) ;)

So, below my first writing ..ehmm ehmm ....
I am not looking for a credit, I just want to learn first whether I can focus writing on the subject

GALAU, this word is very common among us now. Personally I dont know the exact meaning but maybe I can transform the meaning of Galau like situation below:

When comes to Holiday season people are travelling whether local or flying outside. At least they took their annual leave to pamper him/herself after hardworking many years. Some are not having difficulties doing that while others must think twice as should have more saving money to fly whether on short of long trip.

Between the condition or no having so much money and the need to travel local or abroad will creat a galau condition, an unsteady situation.

People will become more galau if the know their close one are doing what they can not do.

Indeed it's not a good being a galau one. The aura and the atmosphere  from the galau one will transform easly outsie. Galau is good but not more than 5 minutes I guess. Galau also can be calculated as a normal one, which people who is being a galau one can evaluate him/herself to the next level of being a great one. 
Hm was that ? :h
And I learn to write a Poem too,
Please allow me to "present" to u readers 

The silent weekend shows on raining comes from the beginning of day until noon.
People lazy enough to go outside.
The meal taste dull as no warm heart around the table.
While on the other hands,
The productive times has begun since sunrise
Smiles and welcome face easy to find anywhere
Ooo what a beautiful word that must be
Life is just like that full of color in many spots
Once we thankful to what we have …
All the way comes easy and baraqah in syaa allah

let me know pelizzzzz      :e