I noticed and learnt Poetry is a an arrangement of word which has meaning and nice to hear/read. For me as a beginner Poetry is such a word which express a feeling freely without any doubt and as a newbie I still dont follow yet a 'regulation' on this writing.
Poetry below are a row of experiences/feelings/notes I have been through so far. Anyone feel free correct me on how to write a great one ;)
Beautiful souls
to some splendid places
Nasi Goreng
colorful ingredients
colofur tastes
delish and appetizing
more please ...
Strong rocks
travellers passing by
birds flying above
blue green water
Japanese flowers
stunning in April
walk leisurely
enjoying atmosphere
Rain falling down
trees smiling
earth cooling
sunshine hiding
Happy Morning
Times are ticking
faces are glowing calmly
and happy life is starting
what a fine looking world
When some Ummah are still staying on craddle
when beautiful eyes still glued
with silent move and steady
with warm heart and expectation
I visit my beloved one
a humble man who loved by his Creator
a trusted man who love his Ummah
assalamualaika salam ya Rasulullah
Snowing snowing lively girls
careful your steps
be happy with cold time
go and collect pine
Coffee smells good
curtain opens wide
I drink my favorite one
ready for the world
Yara River Park
The weather is perfect
the trams are back and forth crossing the way
my strong foot lead to gorgeous mark
beautiful and cozy place to relax
Oooo the air changes my lungs
so healthy and clean
feel so light then bright
load my dynamic times excitedly
sightseers come and by
sit and use the times consequently
Qiyamul Lail
Malampun datang
menit demi menit hilang menuju subuh
ketika hati dan niat bersatu dengan tulus
membentangkan sajadah
bersatu dengan malam
bermunajat pada sang maha segalanya
Allah ya Karim
doa, dzikir dan keluh kesah
bersatu dalam bait yang tiada henti
Aduhai Rabb, hambaMu datang
memohon ridho dan bimbingan tiada tepi
meminta ampunan yang begitu luas
setiap saat